Saturday, August 22, 2009

US Travel “System” ??

I consider myself a pretty experienced traveler… I enjoy the adventure, people watching, seeing new places, the whole ball of wax. However – who designed the security “system” for our airports and do they really think it’s efficient?

My paternal grandparents were world travelers back in the 60’s-70’s. Those were the days when people dressed with care to go from place to place; smiling skycaps greeted you at the curb and assisted with checking in luggage; when full meals were served on china during most flights, and they weren't an additional cost! It’s amazing to me how much travel has changed during the last 40 years.

My experience so far this morning at 5:30am would have been less than gracious had I not been self sufficient and ready with a smile. “Cattle Call” is all I can relate it to. It went something like this:

Lv house @ 4:55AM – drop car @ Enterprise by 5:25am, where they discover I drove w/ expired plates from Santa Barbara – Nice partnership between the branches – no?

Bus to airport – arrive at 5:35am – all good – right? Flight’s at 7:05am – tons of time. NOT! 300-400 people in the first of many lines to check in and get aboard.

I counted four lines that we were prodded through. First baggage check in – where you are now "encouraged" to use the “self-service” kiosks, pay an additional $15-20 per bag and then schlep over to TSA for them to tag it.

Then – off to “security” – for the once over again. Then to “boarding security” where your carry-on bags are scanned, as are you, your laptop, your shoes (and in my case – my water was tested), before you are allowed to continue the walk to your gate.

I'm also wondering if it's only me who's noticed that the airport designers also appear to be in cahoots? They design the airports to feel like a ”soft” version of the corral almost in a Disney-esque kind of way – winding hallways, local art on display, shops, to give you a false sense of actually being close to your gate – when that’s not often the case.

I know that alot of this has to do with the times we live in - more people moving around the country/world; everyone vying for the “best fare”, potential dangers to aircraft, etc. But to me it starts to feel a bit demeaning, and can take some of the joy out of the experience.

The best part (not!) is that you get to do this a number of times during your travel day, depending on how many airports you are going through. I’m not sure what other countries do (and I expect a cousin or two can fill me in on this) – but I’ve got to believe that there is a better way to “keep us safe”… and does this actually accomplish that goal???

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