Thursday, August 13, 2009

a trend?

5am EST/2am PCT- have been in LA for a little over two hours and am still wide awake - this time w/out coffee - go figure?!

Travel with my sister is always a trip! I like to say that she is the funniest person I know. We both love to connect with fellow travelers, enjoy assisting others when we can and yet, are fairly opposite in loads of other ways. (for example - she's currently sound asleep!) Flights were crowded and delayed - but we both managed to keep a sense of humor and snag a short nap en route.

We're in Redondo Beach, CA - have checked into the Portofino Inn and Yacht Club - with a view of the Marina (currently shrouded in fog) and have listened to nearby seals (?!) barking their welcome. We plan to find them tomorrow - as well as coffee and the Pacific :>)

Photos to come

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