Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Getting ready

How ridiculous is it that other than one fab trip to Napa back in 2004(?) I haven't spent any real time in California since my Mom died in 1982?

Back then, my aunt and uncle lent Erin and I their home in Palos Verdes Estates (grtr LA area) for 2+ weeks to regroup after that unexpected pain. We had a great time tooling around - hitting the beach - eating Cal-Mex food and reenergizing.

This trip is going to be even more wonderful because my dear cousin, Michael, is being married to Shanna Thompson on August 15th! I love weddings!! Erin and I are flying out tonight - and staying at least until the 18th.

Depending on friends' schedules, the potential of being hired for work in CT and general mood, my plan is to stay a bit longer and drive up the coast on Pacific Coast Highway 1 - something I've literally wanted to do since '82. I'm thinking it's either now or when I'm in walker -which wouldn't be any fun - hahahaha.

So - Emmy's been to the vet. I've hired new friend, Norah Cleary to keep her company. Bag is packed. iPod is loaded. Now just a few more last minute tasks and I'm on my way.

Stay tuned.


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